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Kaitlyn & Trevor — Minted




Wedding Party

Julia Desrochers

Maid of Honor

Julia is one of Kaitlyn's sisters, and despite being twins with Brianna, is constantly mistaken for Kaitlyn's twin.

Brianna Desrochers


Brianna is the other one of Kaitlyn's sisters and Julia's actual twin.

Emily Wolfenden


Emily is Trevor's little sister, and Kaitlyn's soon-to-be sister-in-law (although Kaitlyn has seen her as her own little sister for years).

Micayla Virostek


Micayla is one of Kaitlyn's university friends. They met while living on the same floor in residence (Trevor also lived on that floor) and have continued to grow closer, even after moving out. Micayla is also Kaitlyn's gym buddy and unofficial personal trainer.

Easton Fritz

Best Man

Easton is Trevor's best friend from high school, and one of the only friends from high school that Trevor still talks to. They hunt together, blow things up together, and drink together (not all at the same time...we hope).

Adam Wolfenden


Adam is Trevor's father, whom he is very close to. He is one of Trevor's hunting buddies and friends that Trevor can tell anything to.

Michael Wolfenden


Michael is Trevor's twin brother whom he shared a womb and a room with for 18 years.

Justin Wolfenden


Justin is Trevor's little brother.

Allan (Bruce) Clarke


Bruce is Trevor's maternal grandpa (papa) whom Trevor is very close to. He has gone hunting with Trevor many times and is always around especially after moving to Carstairs, AB to be closer to his family. He has seen Trevor and Kaitllyn through every stage of their relationship and along with his wife Betti, has been a role model and inspiration for a long, healthy, happy marriage. It is our honour to have him marry us!

Justin Desrochers

master of ceremonies

Justin is Kaitlyn's big brother. I know it's confusing having two Justin's for brothers...just wait for our kids who will have two uncle Justins.

Allan Clarke


Alan is one of Trevor's maternal uncles (yes he has the same first name as his father--it is Clarke tradition for the first born son to have the initials ABC). Alan is only 10 years??? older than Trevor, which caused them to be very close and be more of friends than uncle and nephew.

Annette Desrochers

Mother of the Bride

Jeff Desrochers

Father of the Bride

Elizabeth (Beth) Wolfenden

Mother of the Groom

Betti Clarke

Flower Grandma

Betti is Trevor's maternal grandmother.

Yvonne Chabot

Flower Grandma

Yvonne is Kaitlyn's maternal grandmother (mémère).

Lucille Desrochers

Flower Grandma

Lucille is Kaitlyn's paternal grandmother (mémère).

Patsy Wolfenden

Flower grandma

Patsy is Trevor's paternal grandmother.

Don Wolfenden

Honor Attendants

Don is Trevor's paternal grandfather.